About Damned Paradise

Welcome to Damned Paradise, a vintage fashion store that combines the edge of paradise and the allure of damnation. We believe that vintage clothing is the perfect embodiment of this duality - it is both edgy and glamorous, rebellious and elegant, innocent and seductive, the best of both worlds.

We embrace the history, the mystery and nostalgia that comes with wearing pieces from a bygone era. We also love the excitement, the inspiration and the joy of discovering a truly special piece. Vintage clothing is more than just a trend or a style - it’s a way of life.

And because we understand that shopping for vintage can be overwhelming, we take our time to carefully select each piece for you, making sure it meets our standards for quality, authenticity and craftsmanship.
Our collection is handpicked from all over the world, curated during our founder’s career as a flight attendant travelling to various countries, making it a truly unique one-of-a-kind selection.

Based on the vibrant and eclectic island of Ibiza where fashion is an integral part of the culture, Damned Paradise is a haven for those who are not afraid to be different and embrace their inner contradictions.
Our founder, having lived and worked in various countries, has an eye for fashion that is both timeless and trendy. Following her passion for history, culture and discovering hidden gems of fashion, each piece is selected to make you feel your unique self and express your personality in a way modern fashion cannot. In a world where perfection and conformity are often emphasized, vintage clothing provides a refreshing alternative, reminding us that beauty can be found in unexpected places and that imperfections can be just as valuable as perfection.
The beauty of vintage clothing is in blending opposing concepts together, while creating a unique and beautiful aesthetic that speaks to the individuality of its wearers. There is something magical about owning a piece of history, something that can’t be found in the racks of  a department store.

The concept of Damned Paradise captures the essence of what makes vintage fashion so special. Finding something hauntingly beautiful or delightfully unexpected is like finding your own personal paradise.
Discover pieces that honor the past and make you stand out from the crowd like everyday is a special occasion in Damned Paradise - where fashion rebels against the norm.

To find out more about us, get more personal and learn something new about vintage and sustainability, subsribe to our newsletter.